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The Cross and its Shadow

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The sanctuary service “was the most wonderful object lesson every given to mankind”.
–Page 37

Drawing solely from Scripture, Stephen Haskell gives you a clear, concise understanding of how the Old Testament sanctuary captures the entire theme of the gospel and represents the work of Christ in our behalf today.

You’ll learn how each facet of the sanctuary and its services, the different offerings and feasts, and the work of the high priest directly illustrate your personal salvation through Christ.

“In the sanctuary, the cross of Christ is the great center of the whole scheme of human redemption. Around it clusters every truth of the Bible” (p.ix).In the light shining from the sanctuary, the books of Moses, with their detail of offerings and sacrifices, their rites and ceremonies, usually considered so meaningless and void of interest, become radiant with consistency and beauty. There is no other subject which so fully unites all parts of the inspired Word into one harmonious whole, as the subject of the sanctuary. Every gospel truth centers in the sanctuary service, and radiates from it like the rays from the sun.

This book is the result of many years of prayerful study of the types and symbols of the sanctuary service, and is sent forth with a prayer that the reading of it may arrest the attention of the thoughtless, give the Christian new views of Christ’s character, and lead many into the sunlight of God’s love.

Format: Paperback

Author: Stephen Nelson Haskell

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